Our Program's
Step by Step Process

We understand that engaging with a marketing agency can be an intimidating prospect. That's why we've crafted a straightforward three-step process that outlines precisley what you can anticipate. Our journey together begins with the introduction consultation,followed by the onboarding phase, and culiminating in the Research and Preparation stages. Prior to embarking on this journey, we recommened having certain preparations finaized as shown on the right. However, if you find yourself without these, please rest assured, as we are here to guide and support you by integrating these into your business ensuring a seamless experience.

Connected Instagram and Facebook Buisness Account

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Google and Meta Ads account

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Website Login and Password

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In our inital consultation, conducted via telephone, Zoom, or in person our primary objective is to facilitate a comprehensive exchange of insights. This dialogue serves a dual purpose: to afford us a deeper understanding of your business and to provide you with more profound insight into our strategies and capabilities.



The subsequent phase in our process involves a seamless onboarding experince, wherein you gain access to our advanced platform. This robust tool empowers you with the ability to monitor and track every facet of ABO Marketing's effors on your behalf. During this stage, we also facilitate the integration of your social media accounts, Meta Ads, Google Ads and website, ensuring a synchronized and cohesive platform for you.


Research and Preparation

Within one week of our introduction meeting, we undertake a comprehensive Research and Preparation of your company ecompassing Market Analysis and Reinstatment of Goals. Following this, our dedicated team collaboratively crafts campaigns and send the document to you via google doc this will further serve as a blueprint for what is to come.